It feels like forever since I posted something here. Looking back at the last time I did, I realize life kinda of did fast forward.
After I hurt my knee in August, everything went on pause. Thankfully, it wasn't more serious. After some lovely pain killers and lots of Naproxen, it seems to be better!!!
The other big event of the last couple of months was the kiddos' much anticpated birthdays. The boys look forward to their big day from the time Christmas is over. Kinsley is just starting to realize that this present opening stuff is fun!
Kinsley's birthday marked the removal of the crib from her room. I wanted something different for her, but was not ready to buy her a new bedroom set quite yet. I found the next best thing in a new toddler bed. It has Disney Princesses on it. She loves them and her new bed!
The boys had less fanfare, but love their new Wii accessories. They had a ball at the swimming pool with their friends for their birthday party. We also got to do a first this year: they had their birthday party with their friends on their actual birthday. The boys thought it was a great way to spend the day!
Life is moving at a crazy busy pace right now. It is time for the LEAF auction again (Nov 14). That consumes much of Mom's time. Dad has been busy cutting corn and soybeans and planting wheat. I think all of us would agree that even with life so busy, we wouldn't change a thing about it. We live and love it to its fullest everyday!
And maybe along the way, Mom will update the blog like she had in the past! Check back often and enjoy the ride!