They had intended, when this all started, to have the south bedroom be the new entry way and take the door to that bedroom off and have that be the only way into the new part of the house. Well, one evening two weeks ago, plans changed. While sitting in what will be their dining room, my dad realized that with Mom in the kitchen all the time, he would never see her if they didn't open the house up a little more. So, they took down the wall on the west end of the old living room (the new dining room), and you can now see from my parent's master bedroom all the way into Chelsey's bedroom in the new addition. It was a much needed change in plans that looks awesome. Pictures are below.
Summer vacation has begun. We had a rocky start with a trip to OKC. It is amazing that after spending the last five years at home with them, we would have to readjust after nine months of school. However, we had too. Things are better this week, and we are enjoying each other so much.
Miss Kinsley is enjoying having her brothers home. They keep her entertained. She is inch worming all over the house and is starting to pull up to things. When we hold her hands, she takes steps when she is standing. After watching the other two learn to walk, it is none less thrilling seeing her do it. It is amazing the joy you can find in such simple things.
I always think summer will be the vacation they call it when the kids are in school. However, for a farming family, this is the busiest time of year. Wheat harvest will most likely get under way next week. Please keep our family, as well as all farm familes, in your prayers. It is an exciting time this year with the last two harvest years being such disasters, but it can also be a very dangerous time. Just please pray for everyone's safety and well being.
In addition to harvest, we have swim lessons that just started for the boys. Both boys are also going to basketball camp next week. I can't wait to watch that.:) We are planning a vacation to San Antonio after harvest sometime. VBS is in July and before we know it, school will be starting. Thank goodness for calendars!!!
I will post the pictures of the house and later I will post the pictures of the boys' PreK promotion and end of the year track meet! Enjoy!!!!
The view from my parent's room:)
The fireplace my Dad bricked
Looking into the new living room
The view from the other side
The view from the Living Room looking towards the new
dining room and entry way
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