Monday, February 21, 2011


I have been struggling lately. Not only have I been really sick, my heart has been hurting for reasons to numerous to write about on here. They are just the background story behind this post...they really only set the stage. It isn't necessary to know what they are; the only information needed is that the exist.

I believe in all my heart that God works in His perfect time, for His perfect will, for all those that love Him. Despite all the troublesome feelings as of late, I have clung to that promise. I believe that in ALL things God uses them for the good of those who love and trust Him. I see evidence of that all around me all the time.

I had read Karen Kingsbury's First Born Series (her second in the Baxter Family Series of novels) and her Sunset Series about a year ago. The library didn't have the Redemption series, which is the first one in the series. I started in the middle of the series and instantly fell in love with Karen Kingsbury, the Baxter Family, and the way Karen uses God throughout each of her novels. Each of them has spoken to me in different ways at different times.

I bought the Redemption series right after I finished the whirlwind of reading the first 8 books in under 3 weeks time. I couldn't wait to go back and get the back story and then re-read the other two series again. Life happened though. I got busy in the summertime and in the fall. Eventually Thanksgiving and Christmas set in and time slipped away.

Being sick, I have done little else but lay around for four days. Today I decided I would read something. I picked up the Redemption book from Karen Kingsbury. All 360 pages of it were just too good to put down. I get like that when I read. I can't wait to turn the page and can't ever put them down. This book was no different, even though it was strange knowing what is going to happen to all of them in the coming pages and books. It was awesome reading the back stories that I had missed.

The book spoke of God's grace being sufficient for EVERY situation and that Godly, Adult Love is far beyond what this world can fathom. It is everything that 1 Corinthians, Chapter 13 talks about. It is patient, it is kind, it does not envy, it isn't proud or rude, it isn't self-seeking, it isn't quick to anger, but relishes in the truth, it keeps no record of wrongs, it protects, trusts, hopes, and always perseveres above all else. And that without this type of love in our life, everything else will vanish in comparison.

That is what I love about her books. It takes everything back to the Scriptures in an absolutely beautiful way. Using all of that, the book was about redemption despite anything that we do. It was about being loved and loving others in a way that true forgiveness and love is ALWAYS possible. It was such a good life lesson and one that all of us, including me, need to be reminded of daily as Christians.

And as with everything else, my choice to make today the day I read this book was rewarded by God's amazing love and grace in the message that it sent me. It was the perfect moment for me to receive the message and to be reminded of God's mercy and never ending love.

Life is hard. It is supposed to be as we walk in this world of sin and death. But as Christians, there is always hope. NOTHING IS TOO BIG FOR GOD!!! There is always REDEMPTION!

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