I had been thinking for a couple of weeks that it would be coming in the next couple of months. I remember doing it for the boys as we moved into the new house. It was right before they turned two. They were so excited that day to be able to climb in and out of their beds by themselves. I just thought I would still have a while until Kinsley would need it done. I should have known better!
The boys and I were sweeping the kitchen floor today. Damon had the dust pan, Dilon had the broom and I had the little sweeper. Kinsley was only getting in the way. So, I went and put her in bed. My phone rang and I didn't get the door shut to her room as I walked out. I was talking with Kevin on the phone, when I looked down and saw Kinsley. I asked the boys which one went and got her. They swore they didn't do it. So I hung up the phone, and we tested it out. Sure enough, she stuck her chunky little leg up to the top bar, and over she came.
We have had her mattress on the bottom for along time. It is the only way she would stay in her crib, even when she was small. We took the round pole off of the top of her bed a couple of months ago. She kept getting her arm caught in between. I knew if I put it back on, we ran the risk of her leg or arm getting caught. So we took off the front of her bed and added the toddler brace. She thinks she is big stuff now!!!
She has spent the last fifteen minutes just sitting on her bed. She gets up, gets a toy and then gets back on her bed. She loves it!!!! I should have known...She had found a box earlier in the week, climb on it, and got into the boys captain's beds. She would lay against their pillows, cover up with a blanket, pick up a book and read to herself. Totally cute!!!! Then she would yell, "MAMAMAMAMA" when it was time to get down!
She is growing up so fast!!!! The boys are very impressed!!!! They even gave up their spare pillow so she would have one now in her big girl bed!
1 comment:
How sweet and so grown up.
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