Sunday, December 28, 2008
The kids are good. We had a great Christmas. The boys got lots of Wii games, so we spent Christmas Day playing their new games and watching movies. We had Kevin's parents over for lunch and had a nice relaxed day. Prior to that had been anything but relaxed with family celebrations, Christmas programs, school parties and the usual festivities when you have small children;) We are thankful for the time we get to spend together and for the prospect of a new year!
I want to apologize for not getting Christmas greetings out this year. I am hoping this next week I will have time to get New Year's cards sent. My hairstylist told me last night I had until the first full week of January was over to wish people Happy New Year. So hopefully I will get that done:)
Kinsley is gaining teeth while the boys are loosing them. Dilon hasn't lost one yet...He wants $$$ and mention on my blog when he does, since Damon received the fame:)
I have a prayer request that I would like you all to remember....Kevin's uncle, Gene Henderson, has been fighting Leukemia since the end of July. He has underwent treatment, but they found out last week (right before Christmas) that he didn't respond the way they had hope and he will need a bone marrow transplant. Please pray for a match to be found and a successful treatment to occur.
We really just wanted to take a moment and wish everyone we know and love a very blessed and safe 2009. May your year be filling with love, joy and peace!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Going, Going, GONE!!
Kinsley is also on the move more now. A couple of weeks ago we visited some friends and their ten month old was walking. Kinsley was starting to take steps, but not to the extent of Kate. The next day, Kinsley took off. She is almost running now everywhere she goes. It is so stinking cute to see a little person under three feet tall toddling all over the house.
The boys continue to amaze us. They both received glowing reports at parent/teacher conferences last week. They are both so different, according to their teacher (we already knew that), but yet so very smart. Kevin and I couldn't be more greatful or feel more blessed. They are such good little readers and are enjoying learning!!!! Mrs. Lewallen (pre-k teacher) and Mrs. Ingram (kindergartern) have definitely given our two boys the best possible start.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Time of Reflection
For most, their time of reflection is at the end of the year/start of a new one. Or it may be as their kids finish a school year or start another grade. For me, it is as my children turn another year older. Since my reflection time has always been around the boys' birthday, I guess the good Lord knew what He was doing when Kinsley came twelve days before the boys' fifth birthday.
This year's reflection is special. It includes Kinsley for the first time. The first year (as any parent knows) is such a wonderous time. It starts out with much joy and anticipation. Then, the "honeymoon" ends and the hard work begins: the late night feedings, the complete dependence, the ability to only use crying as a way of communication. But eventually, the fun creeps back in. It is always a loving relationship, but eventually this little blob learns to smile, coo and roll over. Then elation sits in as you watch them sit up, crawl and learn to explore on their own. Eventually, you see them venture to take steps on their own, and even the third time around it is thrilling.
We have a little lady who is trying to walk, talk and keep up with her brothers. She is so independent already and is still a cuddler. While I loved watching her grow, there is a part of me that wishes she could stay this age forever. It was the same with the boys. I never wanted them to grow past the point of thinking I was the greatest thing ever. I am not sure you ever get to that point really though as an adult even. I think deep down in your heart of hearts, your parents always hold a very special and dear place in your life, or I know mine do.
This last year for the boys has been the most life altering since they were born. They started school, had a new sibling, learned to count, learned phonics, ventured away from Mom and went to school, and the list goes on. This summer I found out how responsible they can be. Kevin taught them how to care for a baby calf that had been rejected by his mama. They named him "Spike" Oliver Fisher. Amazingly, the calf survived and really loves those two little boys.
The latest and greatest thing in their life: they are learning to read. We read a new book every couple of days. It is so totally cool. I am in such a great time of motherhood. It doesn't always seem that way, but when I stop and see the big picture, it is truly amazing.
My mom, sisters and I love this song by Trace Adkins, "You're Gonna Miss This." It brings a tear to my eye everytime I hear it. But it is so true and it makes you really stop and think about living in the moment:) (Even as the almost one year old stands here, and pushes other keys while I type:)) Click here to listen to the song:
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Little Duckie #3
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Virtual Assistance....Say What???
So, after experiencing numerous reactions, I decided I would blog a little bit about a virtual assistant (ME) and how it can work for you!!! Then, I would direct you to my links section. It has my website link where you can find out more about my practice:)
Virtual assistance. Well lets break it down. It is virtual. It means no commute, no getting ready to go somewhere, no getting out of my PJs (if I choose). It means being in my very nice home office with my three computers working away for my clients. I am sure you are now asking...DOING WHAT?
With the advancments in technology, you can do almost anything for anyone no matter what distance is between you. I check clients email. I organize/create databases. I manage calendars and send reminders. I confirm appointments. I make travel arrangements. I work on websites. I do light bookkeeping and so on.
There are a couple of keys to this type of working arrangement. While training at AssistU this last winter/spring, I learned about the importance of the relationship and the fit between the assistant and small business owner. It is the key to a good working relationship. My practice is set up in a way that my clients and I don't have an employee/employer relationship. Instead, we are collaborative partners.
Another difference is that being a VA is not the same as running a secretarial service. I am not doing piece work for my clients and then ending the relationship. Instead, I am building a trusting relationship and getting into each of my clients' businesses in order to help them set and reach goals and build their businesses beyond their expectations. I am helping others (what I love to do) do what they love to do and allowing them to leave the administrative tasks to me.
While I will gladly work with anyone (the more well rounded I can be and more I can learn, the better), my focus is finding coaches/authors for clients. Coaches (life and business) get what we do as virtual assistants. Not that others don't, but coaches are teaching their clients everyday about the benefits of delegating. They are walking advertisements for virtual assistants.
The purpose is two-fold really! One purpose of this is to educate my family and friends about what I am up too! The second purpose is to send you to my website and if you or someone you know needs a virtual assistant or would just like to learn more, feel free to contact me anytime!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Sound Body = Sound Mind
I started working with a wonderful trainer, Paula Hendricks, , in July. We started working together the middle of the month. Then, Kevin and I went on vacation. I still did workouts while we were gone. I started back with her and then my sister got married. The day of her wedding, I fell off of the stage (my shoe got stuck in the carpet) down three steps. I had a hideous bruise, rug burn, and pain on myleft leg. That slowed me down, but it didn't deter me. I kept on working out.
That injury started to heal just in time for my next misadventure. Almost two weeks ago, on a Sunday afternoon, we had our church picnic at a local park. We were grilling. Our grill has a water jacket in it. We had grilled the first set of hamburgers and were getting it ready to do the next. The grill was running about 450 degrees. My husband started filling up the water jacket again while I was flipping hot dogs. Water shot out of the hole under my arm and burned my entire left arm. I had no choice but to stop working out. I was in a great deal of pain. Thankfully, after almost two weeks, it feels much better.
But I had stopped working out. I could physically do nothing. I started to not care. I was down in the dumps. I wasn't as careful with what I was eating. I felt miserable. I was tired all of the time. I had zero energy. I didn't want to do anything, including going back to see Paula today. I hadn't seen her for 13 days. We had been working out previously three times per week.
I didn't call to cancel. I went today. Kinsley and I marched right in there. I got on the scale. To my utter shock, I had only gained 4 ounces since my last weigh in (Paula credited this to the muscle I had built in the previous weeks burning the fat even though I wasn't actively working out). I was pleasantly surprised as I had been avoiding scales in the last two weeks. Then, I started my workout. At first it was agonizing. I wanted to stop. After I had been on the elliptical for fifteen minutes, it didn't feel so bad. The good feeling I had missed started to creep in. We worked out my arms, legs, and stomach next. Honestly, it was HARD! But, amazingly, it was fun. It was just what I needed.
The crazy thing is: I had more energy and was more upbeat all day. I know it was a direct result of working out again. I got things accomplished today. I have wanted to do things. I haven't thought of going to take a nap all day. I feel better about me! Who knew (well I am sure all of my athletic friends/family did) that exercise could make a mental AND physical contribution to your health!!! It was a lesson that I am glad that I learned!!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Summer 2008 Update
June 2008
Harvest came and went. For the first time in three years, we received a bumper crop and at record prices, it was Christmas in June for the Fisher Family as well as many other farm families. It was truly an answer to prayers and we are extremely grateful to God for what He has provided.
June also brought about a scary couple of days. I got really sick right in the middle of harvest. It didn't get better after taking antibiotics and I wound up in the ER on a Sunday night. They admitted me and I had to spend three days in the hospital for something that we still aren't real sure about. Thankfully, it is another answered prayer and I am feeling like a million bucks again:)
July 2008
We had a very busy July. I always think that Summer will be savored and enjoyed. Ours was planned and crammed to the max. My sister, Ashley got married the first weekend of August, so we had many prewedding things to contend with in July. We also planned our first family vacation in over three years and our first as a family of FIVE:) We drove to San Antonio and spent seven nights down there. It was a great time. We spent time on the Riverwalk, shopping, two days at Sea World, and a couple just resting. We dodge a hurricane scare while we were down there, and were thankful that it brought cooler weather to the area.
July also had another momentous milestone for my family: My parents' addition is complete on the inside. My Dad did a absolutely fantastic job. For a man that has never built anything on this scale before, it truly looks as if a construction crew was hired. It is fabulous. Our first big family gathering will be next month as we celebrate my mother's birthday togehter. It should be awesome.
August 2008
As I said earlier, my sister, Ashley, got married on August 2. Darin is our new "brother" and we are very happy for the two of them. Not long after this momentous event, the next best thing happened: the boys went back to school!!!! Ok, so it doesn't really compare to my sister getting married, but I, as their mother, am so glad to have a routine again. They both amaze me with how different, but equally smart they truly are.
I have also started my new business. Check out what I am doing at . We are all excited about this! I am excited to be building something of my own and to be creating financial independence for myself.
Kinsley is quickly approaching birthday number 1 (Sept 21). Her newest trick, in addition to waving bye, shaking her head no-no, and saying hi, is taking a couple of steps. She just did it today. It was so AWESOME!!! I am truly blessed to have the opportunity to be a stay at home Mom to witness all of these milestones with each of my children. I can't thank God enough for that.
I think that gets you caught up on the happenings around here. I will add new pictures soon!!!!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
House Update and Summer Vacation
They had intended, when this all started, to have the south bedroom be the new entry way and take the door to that bedroom off and have that be the only way into the new part of the house. Well, one evening two weeks ago, plans changed. While sitting in what will be their dining room, my dad realized that with Mom in the kitchen all the time, he would never see her if they didn't open the house up a little more. So, they took down the wall on the west end of the old living room (the new dining room), and you can now see from my parent's master bedroom all the way into Chelsey's bedroom in the new addition. It was a much needed change in plans that looks awesome. Pictures are below.
Summer vacation has begun. We had a rocky start with a trip to OKC. It is amazing that after spending the last five years at home with them, we would have to readjust after nine months of school. However, we had too. Things are better this week, and we are enjoying each other so much.
Miss Kinsley is enjoying having her brothers home. They keep her entertained. She is inch worming all over the house and is starting to pull up to things. When we hold her hands, she takes steps when she is standing. After watching the other two learn to walk, it is none less thrilling seeing her do it. It is amazing the joy you can find in such simple things.
I always think summer will be the vacation they call it when the kids are in school. However, for a farming family, this is the busiest time of year. Wheat harvest will most likely get under way next week. Please keep our family, as well as all farm familes, in your prayers. It is an exciting time this year with the last two harvest years being such disasters, but it can also be a very dangerous time. Just please pray for everyone's safety and well being.
In addition to harvest, we have swim lessons that just started for the boys. Both boys are also going to basketball camp next week. I can't wait to watch that.:) We are planning a vacation to San Antonio after harvest sometime. VBS is in July and before we know it, school will be starting. Thank goodness for calendars!!!
I will post the pictures of the house and later I will post the pictures of the boys' PreK promotion and end of the year track meet! Enjoy!!!!
The view from my parent's room:)
The fireplace my Dad bricked
Looking into the new living room
The view from the other side
The view from the Living Room looking towards the new
dining room and entry way
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Priceless Moments!!!
Usually on Saturday mornings we have a whole line up of TV. Well the house needed some TLC this weekend, so we had the boys help. It was 8:00 am, and I told them if they helped until 9:30, they could watch an hour's worth of TV. They helped on the living room and in the dining room and kitchen. At 9:20, I told them to go and work on their room for ten minutes. I looked back there and saw stuff just being shoved in drawers. That is not the way they were taught to do it. I got angry.
I went back there and dumped out any drawer where the stuff was not put away right. I told them there would be no TV, and they were to clean their stuff up, but this time put it in the right place.
Well thirty minutes later, they were still having difficulty. Things were still not put away the way they were supposed to be. I called in the big guns: Daddy. He went back there and asked what the trouble seemed to be. Without hesitation Dilon looked at him and said, "Well, we were cleaning up the living room for Mom. She got mad for some reason and all of the sudden dumped all of our stuff out of our drawers!"
Without missing a beat Damon chimes in, "Yeah, that is what happened." Kevin was speechless. It was hard to be mad, but I had to try. We have gotten many good laughs over this story though. Damon just goes along all the time with whatever Dilon says as long as it benefits him.
As I said there is never a dull moment in our house, especially with two the same exact age. I am sure when Kinsley can talk, the stories will get even better:)
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Buyer Beware
We have replaced three bulbs in the last seventeen months. They are supposed to last on average 4000 hours (manufacturers tout from 2000-6000 with 4 being average). If you were to do the math you would find this unbelievable. It would mean that our tv would have to be on 23.5 hours out of 24 hours in each day! Even at half of that, I can guarantee we don't watch 12 hours of TV each day. We aren't home that much!
The latest issue has been a new noise it is now making. It sounded like a siren from an ambulance the other night as Kevin and I sat here and heard sound but saw no picture. It is currently loaded and being taken to an appliance dealership in OKC. The repairman felt that from my description it would probably cost around $250 to fix. The lamps previously replaced were $300 each with only one coming while there was warranty left. Even if you would buy extended warranty (we had not), they only cover one lamp in addition to whatever the TV manufacturer does.
We are going to fix the TV. We are going to watch the TV. We are giving the TV another chance to do us wrong (probably a fool me once, fool me twice (or five times) kind of thing. If it breaks again, we are getting rid of it and beginning our search for a TV once again. It only took us two years to decide this last time. Who knows what we will come up with this time!
Any of you that have a great "big" screen TV brand and type (LCD Projection, DLP Projection, LCD, Plasma, so on) please suggest it in the comments section. If you would include how long you have had your television and what issues may arise with it I would appreciate that information as well!!!
Thank you for any help you can provide to this scorned consumer!
Monday, April 14, 2008
The Last Lecture
Last week, Diane Sawyer did a special presentation called "The Last Lecture: A Love Story for Your Life." I don't know how many caught it, but it was truly inspirational and amazing. Randy Pausch, professor at Carnegie Mellon University, was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer two years ago. It went into remission and then came back last fall. He was given three to six months to live. He has three small children and a loving wife. His outlook on life and on death is awe inspiring. I wanted to share his website with all of you and encourage you to watch the Last Lecture. I will put a link to his site under favorite links on my page. Enjoy!
In other news, Baby Avery is off of the "lights" for her jaundice. We went to see her this weekend and she is doing better. She has her days and nights mixed up much to the dismay of her mom and dad. Kevin, the lovely soul he is, told them that all first time parents deserved that. Tara is doing better too. Her blood pressure is finally coming down.
Curtis and Robin officially set the date for the wedding: November 22, 2008, in Stillwater. It will be a busy fall around the Fisher household.
Check back soon for new pictures!! The boys have a spring program tomorrow night and the whole Scheffler family is going to the OKC Zoo on Sunday. We haven't gotten to do anything together like that in awhile and we are all looking forward to it!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Time is Flying!
It is absolutely mind blowing to sit here and watch the slide show. The boys have grown so much, even in the last year. Of course, having a new baby made them look much bigger than they had previously. But it is just amazing how far in five years they have come.
Then there is Kinsley. She has grown so much in the last six months. I was taken back with my niece and the experiences Clayton and Tara are going through right now. Avery has jaundice and is tiny, much like Damon was. I can distinctly remember going through much of the same with the boys. We were basic shut ins for the first six to eight weeks of their life. With Kinsley it has been so much different. She was a normal sized, healthy baby right from the start. Other than loosing a little weight and a heart murmur, our life has been so much less chaotic this time around. Not too mention the fact it has been much different with one than it was with two. :)
It is just hard to believe that summer is almost upon us again. The boys will be home again full time and eagerly awaiting Kindergarten. I am sure summer will see Kinsley attempt to learn to walk and keep up with the boys.
I am just very thankful for the place I am at in life. I have spent a great deal of time in reflection due to the training course I am currently taking. I am just very thankful for the experiences in life. I love that I am enjoying moments in the present. The present is never dull in our house and there is always something interesting going on. It is just a great place to be!
One more thing...Thank you to all of those who prayed for Dilon. His throat is healing. His stomach had been hurting for six months for no reason according to the doctors. Taking the tonsils out has cleared that problem up as well! Thank you also for those that prayed for Tara and Avery. Tara is still on bedrest awaiting the blood pressure to decrease. It is slowly returning to normal. Avery is on the "lights" so that the jaundice will decrease. Thankfully, both are doing as well as can be expected...Clayton maybe another story LOL!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Baby Pictures!!!!
For those wandering, I (Aunt Lesley) did get to hold her. No one knows how to work my camera. Carol took a picture of me holding her so maybe I can get a copy and add to this slide show! Enjoy!
We have a NIECE!
In other happenings in Kevin's family, I don't know if I have posted it or not, but Kevin's youngest brother, Curtis, is engaged. He has been for almost six weeks now. Robin is her name and they have been dating for almost a year and half. They haven't set an official date (we have an idea) but when they do I will post it for sure!
My family is pretty quiet these days in comparison to Kevin's. All the girls are pretty content and busy going to school and working. Mom and Dad continue the work on their home...I will have to get new pictures up. It is coming right along:)
We are nearing the busiest time of year in the Fisher household: The end of the school year and wheat harvest. I got the school schedule yesterday; it is crazy! But it will be a good opportunity to share pictures of activities with all of you!
Have a great rest of the week!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Becoming Mobile
Having two older brothers, Kinsley has a lot to keep up with. It is amazing that even after watching the two older ones accomplish all of this, it is still utterly amazing and exciting watching her do the same things. I wandered if there would still be a sense of joy and astonishment in watching our third child accomplish things we had already seen in the boys. I am glad to report I am just as amazed and proud!!!!
Happy "late" Easter to all and HAPPY SPRING!!! I am so excited that it is warming up outside. The kids love outside and have been enjoying the weather!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Dilon is doing GREAT!!!
Dilon is doing well!!! We returned home around 10:30. We are keeping him very consistent on his pain medicine to ward off any pain for the next couple of days. He wanted a Wacky Pack from Sonic with French Toast Sticks and Tater Tots. Not sure how good that was in the category of soft foods but he was so hungry that he ate it all plus a Jello snack that I thrown in for him for the ride home. He has ate me out of house and home today already and is drinking like he is supposed too. He is watching Bee Movie right now and resting. I am truly amazed at how well he is doing.
I actually sat in the waiting room this morning wandering if we made the right decision. I got my answer after his surgery. The doctor told us that he had tonsils the size of a 50 year old man. He hadn't seen any that big in a child of his age in a very long time. He asked if he was having breathing problems. I told him I didn't think so. Well, on the way home, Dilon mentioned that he could breath so much better. I guess in a way I am thankful for the strep throat. Without it, we wouldn't have pursued the tonsils and Dilon probably would have had worse problems later in life.
Have a wonderful Friday and a nice Weekend!!!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Surgery Time
I also wasn't sure how long a surgery this is or how they put them out. He will be in surgery for thirty to forty five minutes. They use gas to put him under. Thank goodness, I was relieved. The child would have come unhinged with an IV!!!
Morgan is doing better today. They gave her meds to help with the swelling and thankfully, no evidence of cancer was found yesterday. Her fluid was clear!!! Thank you to all of those who prayed for her yesterday. I know her family appreciates it more than words can say!!!
Well have a great afternoon!!! I will update tomorrow when I have a chance and let you all know how Dilon is doing!!!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Prayers Needed
My little friend, Morgan, needs prayers in the worst way right now. If you haven't checked her site lately, you need to go and read the journal entries from the last couple of days. She is in Children's Hospital again and is in a great deal of pain. Please visit her site and pray for her and her family. Mark, her Daddy, is someone Kevin went to school with. He was two years older than him. When you live in a small community, you know everyone and most likely have known them for years if not your entire life. So, everyone becomes more like family than friends. Her site is to the right under favorite links.
Also, please remember our Dilon. He goes in on Friday morning (we don't have a time yet) for his tonsil removal. He has been letting everyone at school know he won't be there on Friday so I know it is on his mind quite a bit. We have done our best to be upbeat and positive about it. It would just be great to know we have prayers being sent to heaven for him in addition to our own:)
Tara, my sister-in-law, is doing better. The bed rest has done the trick and the blood pressure has retreated. Just please continue to remember her:)
Thank you in advance for your prayers. It has been a long start to 2008. Hopefully, the year will start to go uphill now that Spring is just around the corner!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
The Best Ball Player
We both feel it is important to share the rich history of our high school's basketball tradition with our children. The kiddos made every State Tournament game and we went to several throughout the season and playoffs. Well, it must have struck a cord with Dilon.
In the State of Oklahoma, the Fairgrounds Arena in OKC turns into the "Big House" this time of year. It is the spot where every HS basketball athelete wants to play. Only a select few do. The last two years they have allowed one class to play all three days there while the other three classes get to play in a different location on Thursday and then play at the Big House on Friday and Saturday. This hasn't always been the case. When Kevin and I were in HS, more times than not, you played your first two games elsewhere and then only played Saturday at the Fairgrounds. Daddy made it to State twice, losing in the quarterfinals both times (if I am wrong he will correct me on this LOL). Mommy made it to State twice. The first time I was a freshmen, we went to the finals and got beat and earned a silver ball. During my JR year, we went and played the second day in the Fairgrounds and got beat.
You need all of that to understand this story. We are going to the doctor this last week. Dilon was very interested in basketball, especially the State Tournament. He wants to get big and strong and play in the Big House someday. He asked if Daddy was good at ball. I told him that his Daddy was very good at basketball. He was very gifted in that area. He asked if Daddy ever got to play in the "big house." I told him no Daddy never got to do that. Then he asked if I was good at basketball. I told him I was ok, but Daddy was better. He asked if I got to play in the 'BIG HOUSE.' I told him yes, a couple of times.
Dilon is my thinker. He is also five, so his reasoning is very innocent and black and white. He looked at me and said, "Well, you must have been better than Daddy because you got to play in the Big House and only really good ball players get to do that!" I told him it didn't exactly work like that and then I had to just bust out laughing. His Daddy, on the other hand, didn't find it near as funny.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Strength of Character
I would love for each of you to go to the coachesaid link (I will provide the direct link to the article below) and read the article regarding our girl's basketball coach. Chelsey (my sister) was on the team last year when all of this happened. I graduated with Kevin Lewallen (the coach) and the boys are now being taught by his phenomenal wife, Sara. It is a beautfiul article regarding their precious heavenly angel, Lanie Gail. She was born last year after the State Tournament and died three weeks later. It was an incredible article and story that I wanted to share.
Just so this has some more relavence to the Fisher Family:), Please continue to pray for Tara. The blood pressure was better last night after a full day of rest but her full confinement to bed is schedule to last at least for two more weeks.
And please remember our family in prayer. Little Dilon is getting his tonsils out next Friday. He has had chronic strep throat for years now and gets really bad deep coughs every time that require very expensive breathing treatments for weeks each time. He also is showing the early signs of being an asthmatic. So we are hoping this solves some problems:)
Here is the link:
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
I am asking for prayer requests tonight. Kevin's brother, Clayton, and his wife, Tara, are expecting a baby girl the end of April. I don't know all of the details, but apparently her blood pressure is too high. There have been other issues up to this point, but due to the blood pressure, I am pretty sure Kevin said she is going on bed rest now until she delivers. I am not sure how serious this situation is at this point, but just please pray for them during this time.
Another awesome thing occurred this weekend. The Lady Raiders won another Gold Ball and are State Champions. Back-to-back ones at that. They made it known that this ball was dedicated to my little friend Morgan. They have forged a special bond all year and have adopted her as one of the team. I am sure if you have visited Morgan's site you have realized that. Well, the Sunday Oklahoman (the newspaper here) recognized it too. You can read the neatest article that made Morgan famous!!!
I am blessed. I have three healthy kids, a roof over my head, a husband that works extremely hard so that I have the choice to be a stay at home mom, and many other countless blessings. Sometimes, or actually most times, we get so caught up in the day to day grind of life that it is very easy to forget how blessed we are to have each other. How blessed we are to have the simple things in life that we take for granted everyday.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Go Lady Raiders!!
The kids are ready to go. I will have to post pics of them. Damon and Dilon are spiking their hair using blue hair gel. Kinsley has a custom made Basketball headband with a blue and white korker bow. She also got a custom made onesie since the T-Shirts for the State Tournament didn't come in her size.
Have a great afternoon and evening!! And GO LADY RAIDERS!!!!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Little Tidbits
Damon was sore last night. He was crying. I actually thought he was getting ill. Thankfully it passed. But it was funny to hear a five year old say this, so I had to share. I asked him where it hurt. He said everywhere. I asked about his arms, he said everywhere; I asked about his legs, he said everywhere; I asked about his head, and he finally looked at me and said, "Mommy, even my eyeballs hurt!" I got the message!
I wanted to encourage everyone to go and visit my friend, Morgan Snowden's website. She has added a buddy list for all of her prayer warriors. Another girl with cancer had one and it was amazing to see all of the people praying for her. I encourage you all to go, and sign up on Morgan's buddy list. According to today's post, she gets a penny for each visitor on her website. This is so she can visualize how many people have been to her site and are praying for her to get well. Totally cool! She has over 18,000 now.
Her site is
Have a great Wednesday!!!
Monday, February 18, 2008
House Update
Spirit Week
Monday was Duct Tape Day. As I stated previously, that was a new one for me. Tuesday was picture perfect because they had group pictures. The two stinks took such good pictures that when I saw the proofs I started to cry like a baby. Wednesday was Sr. Citizen day. Thursday (we didn't take pictures) was hero day. The boys dressed up in their halloween costumes and were Superman (Damon) and Batman (Dilon). And Friday was super Fan Day!!!! Damon loves blue so he thought it was awesome he got to spray his hair blue:)
Oh and we had to add the picture of Miss Kinsley finding her toes at the very end:)
Here are some pictures for you to enjoy!!!!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Duct Tape Clothing???
I am open to ideas (send either email or post under comments) for the rest of the week. Tuesday is picture day so they are doing picture perfect which is already taken care of by mom:). Wednesday is Senior Citizen Day (I have no idea how to make two, five-year-olds look like old men...HELP). Thursday is Celebrity/Hero Day and Friday is sports fan day. It ought to be fun...Check back for pictures:)
Monday, January 28, 2008
The weekend is gone but not forgotten. It was a wonderful weekend that I had actually dreaded all week. I love it when it is nothing like I thought it would be.
Kevin and I had church business to take care of this weekend. This was the big dreaded thing all week that turned out not to be so bad. It led to many other blessings on Sunday.
My parents have been remodeling my Dad's parents' home for about a year and half. Before they moved in, they gutted the kitchen, repainted all the rooms, remodeled both bathrooms and had new carpet laid (along with many other numerous things). Well, at the beginning of the year, they started on the second phase: the addition of the new living room and two new bedrooms. My Dad is not a carpenter (he is a brick layer/farmer by trade), but he has done an AMAZING job. This is the blessing part of my weekend:)
We left the kids over there on Sunday due to our church meeting. When we went back, I got to see three out of the four of my sisters (a rare thing in itself and a pleasant surprise and blessing). My Dad, his right hand man, Anthony, my brother in law, Brock, and my baby sister's boyfriend, Brian, were all working like workhorses on the house. Kevin was dressed in good clothes and I found out later tried to get on the roof. His boots were took slick and he resorted to being the "ground foreman". This entailed handing them nails, moving ladders, taking bundles of shingles onto the roof and so on.
The five of them got almost half of the roof shingled in about three hours. It was amazing. Even little Dilon got into the action. He picked up nails, pop cans, general trash, swept out the garage where they have been cutting the wood and was there little gopher.
The blessing part (I know you are waiting for it) is so numerous. My parents are the happiest I have ever seen them. They beam with pride over their home and you can tell it is something they have dreamed about doing for years. It is indescribable to see them that happy. It was the neatest thing to see those men that were brought together through my parents' daughters all work together that way and accomplish everything they did. I have never been more proud than I was this weekend to be apart of the family that the good Lord blessed me with. Even my little man, Dilon, made his mama very proud helping out the way he did.
I will have to get pictures from my Mom soon and post them. It is truly a project that is a family's labor of love. Those rooms will be cherished each time we gather together in them.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Paint Mishap
I was painting my office this week (it is still not done and probably won't be for awhile). I had painted it navy blue two years ago. I am starting a brand new career as a Virtual Assistant and wanted something different. I read somewhere green was relaxing and a good environment to work in. Well I went to WalMart and bought a gallon of KILZ Latex 2 to cover the blue. It only did about a wall and half.
Kinsley and I left on Tuesday afternoon to go and get more. I brought home three more gallons of KILZ. Well, Tuesday in Oklahoma it was very cold. I was in a hurry and set them down on my high efficiency washer. Kinsley was in the house already and she was fussy so I tended to her. The boys came home from school and I never made it back to the paint.
Well I don't know how many have High effiency washers (the front loading kind). We have had one for four years or so and any time anything is placed on it, you have to take it off before you start it. When they spin, they sound like a jet engine and they vibrate.
Kevin started the washer (I will give him credit; he was just trying to help me out). I was working in my office and didn't think much about it. He went and bathed the baby and came to show me her hair that he had spiked up in the middle. We heard a loud crash. I told him that was the sound of paint cans falling from the washer. Sure enough, I was right.
A gallon of KILZ is the worst thing that can explode in your laundry room. When it is a thin layer, unlike paint, it dries instantly. I had just bought new brown rugs and they were on the floor in the room. Thankfully, they caught the can or it probably would have cracked my ceramic tile. But the KILZ was EVERYWHERE!!! Damon's new shoes he got for Christmas were victims. Kevin's work boots, my green laundry room walls (no it isn't the same green as the office), my ceramic tile and grout, clothes that were waiting to be washed, everything was covered.
The rugs survived. They had so much KILZ on them it couldn't dry in time. The floor was salvaged by my husband using a steam mop and knife scrapping the floor. And thankfully we found the wall paint in the cabinet. But it wasn't exactly the way I had imagined my evening:)
So I thought I would share for your entertainment and as a lesson in HE washers and dryers. They tout more counter space and we do use the dryer to store things on. But the washer must remain clear.
Oh and by the way if you see Damon, don't ask about his shoes. His father told him Mommy saw on TV where we could send them and get the scuffs removed so they would look "brand new." Something like that. is sending a new pair this week:)
Sunday, January 20, 2008
The first, Connor Cruse, has been fighting cancer for two and half years. His valiant fight and his family's courage are unbelievable. They have been a true inspiration to me and I pray for their continued strength and for Connor's healing daily. His website is
Then there is sweet little Morgan Snowden. She is a first grader that goes to the same school as the boys. Her fight with cancer started in August. Our local communities have rallied around her and her family, and we continue to pray for her body's healing and her family's well being and strength. Her site is
I just wanted to share these two remarkable young people's stories. You don't realize how fortunate you are until you really stop and think about what these families have gone through.
Have a wonderful Sunday!!!! Hopefully will post more later on about the kiddos....have more pics to share!!!!
P.S. I just went and checked Connor's site. Joy is Connor's Mom and her latest post is something everyone should read. It is her Jan. 17, 2008 update and it is about perspective. If you miss it, email me and I will send it to you.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
'Princess' Fisher asserts herself
Kevin's cousin, Suzi, and I were pregnant together for a time. Jacob is three months older than Kinsley. Two little cutie pies!!!!
This is a picture of all of the cousins on Kevin's Mom's side of the family. Dilon, Kinsley, Damon, Jacob and Ethan made Christmas fun and entertaining this year!!!!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Another picture of our sweetie pie:) Her first time in her highchair!!!!
From Dilon's mouth to God's ears:)
This morning at Sunday School Damon was acting up. Dilon proceeded to tell him, "Damon stop it because you know if Mommy finds out she will call Daddy and he is in a mood right now." He then proceeded to tell his teacher's daughter that it meant Daddy wasn't in a very nice mood and them being bad would make it worse. Their Sunday School teacher and her daughter about fell out of their seats onto the floor laughing.
I guess he does listen. I had told him the same thing yesterday when I thought cattle were out. That they needed to be quiet because Daddy wouldn't be in a very good mood and they needed to be big boys for me. Guess Dilon still thinks Daddy is in his "mood." Enjoy!!!!